Webinar: Welcoming refugees in the Jubilee Year and beyond

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash
Pope Francis has called on us to use this Jubilee Year as an opportunity to recover "a sense of universal fraternity and refuse to turn a blind eye to the tragedy of rampant poverty that prevents millions of men, women, young people and children from living in a manner worthy of our human dignity."
In response to this message from Pope Francis, The Heythrop Association will host an online talk entitled: 'Let their voices be heard: welcoming refugees in the Jubilee Year and beyond' on Wednesday 12 March, 7pm, led by the Jesuit Refugee Service. Victoria Firth and Liam Allmark from JRS UK will be joining us to share the voices of some refugees they work with as well as exploring how the theological and philosophical focuses of the Jubilee Year can shape our response to forced migration in 2025.
All will be very welcome to join this talk which will include Q+A. The link is below:
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