Faithful America calls for Lenten boycott of pro-Trump corporations

Source: Faithful America
Faithful America writes: This Lent, we're fasting from financially supporting the billionaires and corporations that are stoking hate and supporting Trump - and we're doing it together, as a community of social-justice Christians.
Lenten fasts have always partially been a call to solidarity with those who lack the privileges we have - those who cannot afford to eat what they want to eat or to relax when they want to relax. As we watch our country slide into authoritarianism at the hands of the wealthiest among us, critically examining our relationship with the corporations benefitting from all of this hatred and greed feels like an important act of solidarity, too.
This is not about destroying the Amazon empire in 40 days. It's about remembering how to tap into our collective power and show solidarity with others - and the more we practice standing with those who are under attack, the better we will get at it.
Let's take back a bit of our lives from pro-Trump corporations during this Lenten season. Sign the pledge and join our community fast now.
(If you'd like to learn more about the corporations that support Trump and various boycotts that are currently being organized before choosing who you'd like to fast from, click here.)