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Ash Wednesday Peace Vigil outside Ministry of Defence

  • Jo Siedlecka

The annual Ash Wednesday Prayer Vigil outside the Ministry of Defence MoD) took place yesterday under a sunny blue sky. (This event is often very chilly and wet). Organised by Pax Christi, Christian CND, London Catholic Worker and Westminster J&P, the message of peace and reconciliation felt particularly urgent this year, given the increasing number of wars, and threats of wars, around the world.

The event began with a liturgy in Embankment Gardens, which was opened with a welcome by Pat Gaffney from Pax Christi. She told us: "You are welcome here in the name of Jesus Christ to repent of all violence and to accept a life based on hope through trust in God rather than despair through wars, the threat of war and the destruction they bring.

"This year marks the 43rd time that an Ash Wednesday witness has been held outside the Ministry of Defence. we are here to witness to our belief that it is better to risk living by the code on non violence rather than to live a half life hiding behind the false security of war and war preparations of all kinds."

Fr Joe Ryan then gave a short reflection, asking: "Why are we here today? We are here outside the Ministry of Defence to show that we do not agree with the concept of possession of weapons of mass destruction. We are told that nuclear weapons are there for our protection but the opposite is true. There are no winners in a nuclear war. All die and suffer. We are here because we know there is an alternative: peace, dialogue, non-violent actions. Weapons of war are obscene, absurd and abhorrent.

"Our leaders, Keir Starmer and John Healey defence Minister are now following the dictats of Donald Trump and his administration.

Last week when we were told that billions of pounds were to be spent on weapons - I could have cried - even more when I learnt that money intended for humanitarian aid was now going to be used to buy arms instead. How sad, pathetic, inhumane."

Fr Joe said he knew from his work serving as a priest in the diocese of Westminster that many more would like to have joined us today. He said that when he preached about peace often parishioners have come up and thanked him. "We represent those people here today." he said.

Fr Joe then blessed the ashes and water and crosses with names of countries impacted by war were place around a piece of sack cloth.

During the distribution of ashes we sang the Taize hymn 'Oh Lord hear my prayer'.

There were readings from Pope Francis address to the Diplomatic Corps in January 2025 and Archbishop Gallagher address to the UN Conference on Disarmament.

Each person then came forward to tie a to the cross in memory of a person place affected by war.

We then processed to the MoD carrying our symbols and placards. MoD staff came in and out of the building as we stood in a semi circle praying a Litany of Repentance, followed by a prayer from Pope Francis: "Sisters, brothers let us pray for peace. Let's do our utmost for peace Do not forget that war is a defeat. Always. We weren't born to kill but to make people grow. May pathways pf peace be found. Please in your daily prayer ask for peace. Tormented Ukraine, how it suffers. Then think of Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, North Kivu, South Sudan . So many countries at war. Let us do penance for peace."

We concluded with readings of love and hope - from Cardinal Pizzabella Patriarch of Jerusalem and Pope Francis before the final blessing.

Earlier, many participants in the vigil outside the MoD had taken part in an ecumenical Ash Wednesday morning service for creation at St John's Church in Waterloo. Afterwards these prayers at the MoD they walked on to Parliament, where they joined the ten day 24 hour vigil taking place there, for the environment. Campaigners there are calling on the UK government to stop issuing new licences for fossil-fuel exploration in UK waters. And - increasingly, the carbon footprint of military activities is receiving attention. Military emissions account for more than the greenhouse emissions of aviation and shipping combined.

Ash Wednesday services organised by Pax Christi were also held in Leeds, Liverpool and Coventry. This first day of Lent was marked by many more services praying for peace in countries around the world.


Pax Christi England and Wales:

Christian CND:

Westminster Justice and Peace:

London Catholic Worker:


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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