Pope's condition continues to improve, he attends Curia's spiritual exercises online

Spiritual Exercises followed online by Pope Francis
Source: Vatican Media
The Holy See Press Office says that recent improvements in the Pope's health situation "have been further consolidated", but notes that he will need to remain in hospital for some time still. The Pope participated via video-link in both the morning and the afternoon sessions of the Curia's spiritual exercises.
This evening, the Holy See Press Office provided the following update on Pope Francis' health:
"The Holy Father's clinical condition remains stable. The improvements recorded in previous days have been further consolidated, as confirmed by both blood tests and clinical findings, as well as by the Pope's good response to pharmacological therapy.
For these reasons, the doctors have decided today to lift their guarded prognosis. However, given the complexity of the Pope's clinical picture and the severe infection present at the time of hospitalization, it will still be necessary to continue pharmacological treatment in a hospital setting for a period of time.
This morning, the Holy Father was able to follow the Spiritual Exercises via a video link with the Paul VI Hall; he then received the Eucharist and went to the chapel of his private apartment for a moment of prayer.
In the afternoon, he again joined the Curia's Spiritual Exercises, following them via video link. Throughout the day, he alternated between prayer and rest."
The Roman Curia's Spiritual Exercises, which are held every year, began on Sunday afternoon in the Paul VI Hall and are being led by the Preacher of the Papal Household, Fr Roberto Pasolini, OFM Cap.
To follow the Spiritual Exercises Pope Francis has attended online, see:
First reflection in Spiritual Exercises of the Curia: The end will be the beginning
Second reflection in Spiritual Exercises of the Curia: The end of all judgment
Third reflection in the Spiritual Exercises of the Curia: The first death: