Exhibition: The Face of Christ by Nic Fiddian-Green

Source: Bright Media
Sladmore Gallery presents The Face of Christ, a deeply personal and spiritually resonant new exhibition by the acclaimed sculptor Nic Fiddian-Green, opening on 9 April 2025.
Featuring 20 new sculptures, this extraordinary body of work is a testament to the artist's ability to transcend the physical through art.
Fiddian-Green, internationally celebrated for his monumental equine sculptures, turns his focus inward in this latest series, exploring the enduring power of faith, suffering and redemption. Informed by his own encounter with several life-threatening illnesses his honest creative re-assessment offers a stronger, deeper and more contemplative vision that permeates the new work with stillness and reflection.
The Face of Christ offers a profoundly meditative engagement with the image of Christ, capturing a sense of serenity, resilience, and transcendence in bronze and stone.
Born in Hampshire in 1963, Nic graduated from Wimbledon School of Art after a three-year degree in Sculpture. Engrossed in the horse as a subject and working in marble, he was greatly moved by the power, skill and beauty of the Parthenon frieze and the horse as depicted by the Ancient Greeks, in particular the remarkable "Selene" horse at the British Museum. His career has been a dedicated pilgrimage in terms of style, technique, vision and philosophy. Working first in the Mediterranean, for the last thirty years he has had his studio at home in Surrey.
Triumph Over the Physical:
Throughout his career, Fiddian-Green has worked with the weight and resistance of materials - bronze, lead, and marble - transforming them into forms that defy their own substance. For this exhibition, under his direction, the gallery will be darkened and the work lit by candles, an invitation for contemplation and quiet reverence.
The centre piece of the exhibition - a life size Crucifixion is his most moving and finely executed work to date. Christ's face leads the viewer to engage and be transported, both spiritually and physically.
Nic Fiddian-Green said: "These works are a reflection of my journey of faith. I have come to find that His power to elevate us underpins everything I strive to do and The Face of Christ is an attempt for me to convey in my work all that He conveys in my heart. Christ gives me the key, but will I open the door…?"
A Rare Opportunity to Encounter Religious Imagery in Contemporary Sculpture
While religious imagery has long been a cornerstone of Western art history, contemporary interpretations remain rare. Fiddian-Green's work reclaims this space, inviting audiences to explore sacred themes through a modern lens. Whether viewed as an expression of faith, an exploration of the human condition or a study of sculptural excellence, The Face of Christ stands as one of the most significant bodies of work in Nic Fiddian-Green's career.
The Face of Christ runs from 9 April - 31 May 2025 at the Sladmore Gallery, 57 Jermyn Street, St James's, London, SW1Y 6LX
Sladmore Gallery: www.sladmore.com
Nic Fiddian-Green Biography: www.nicfiddiangreen.com/biography/