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Remembering Dr Ruth Mitchell-Quill

  • Tim O'Sullivan

Dr Ruth Mitchell-Quill

Dr Ruth Mitchell-Quill

It has been five years since the passing of Dr Ruth Mitchell-Quill, a pioneering psychiatrist, Catholic social activist, and advocate for mental health reform, the arts, and rural life. Born into a family of notable Irish republicans on 2 November 1935, she pursued medicine at University College Cork before obtaining postgraduate qualifications in chemistry and psychiatry from the University of Oxford, Trinity College Dublin, and the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland.

She held numerous esteemed positions throughout her career, including Senior Psychiatrist of the Southern Health Board, Director of Medical Rehabilitation in the Southern region, and Clinical Director of North Lee Mental Health Services.

A leader in psychiatric socialisation, Dr Mitchell-Quill was instrumental in transitioning Ireland away from outdated asylum-based models, towards community integration for psychiatric patients. She introduced clinical art therapy into mainstream psychiatric care and was a passionate advocate for employment opportunities for individuals with mental health conditions. Her work in this area was recognised internationally, earning her a European Fellowship in Psychiatry She married Dr Timothy 'Tadgh' Stephen Quill, a veterinary surgeon, in 1963.

Dr Mitchell-Quill was also deeply involved in Catholic social activism. As the medical doctor representative for the National Campaign for Parents' Rights, she was a vocal opponent of contraception legislation, a leading campaigner for Christian values, and an advocate for the temperance movement.

Her contributions extended to broadcasting, where she co-founded the Movement for Better Broadcasting, seeking to align Irish media with Catholic values. Additionally, she served as Vice-President of the Munster Agricultural Society, where she championed women's roles in farming, environmental conservation, and equine therapy for children with disabilities. Her legacy continues to inspire.

As former MEP and Catholic activist Kathy Sinnott remarked, Dr Mitchell-Quill was an "inspiration" whose influence reached far beyond her lifetime. The Munster Agricultural Society's Dr. Ruth Mitchell-Quill Memorial Perpetual Trophy stands as a testament to her contributions.

May she rest in peace, and may her work and unwavering faith continue to inspire generations to come.


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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