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National Oscar Romero service: Let us not tire of preaching love

  • Jo Siedlecka

Revd Richard Carter of St Martin's

Revd Richard Carter of St Martin's

A bust of St Oscar Romero before the altar at St Martin in the Fields church, Trafalgar Square, last Saturday was surrounded by candles and roses as the annual national ecumenical service started, to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the martyrdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador. He was assassinated by a right-wing death squad on 24 March 1980 while celebrating Mass in San Salvador and was canonised in 2018.

Saturday's service in London was organised by the Archbishop Romero Trust, in conjunction with St Martin in the Fields, Conference of Religious, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Missio, National Justice and Peace Network of England and Wales and Pax Christi. The congregation included representatives of these organisations, among them Clare Dixon, Fr Frank Turner and Stephen Davies, Trustees of the Archbishop Romero Trust, and Christine Allen, director of CAFOD. This was one of a number of events in Archbishop Romero's honour taking place around the UK in Romero Week.

The keynote speaker at Saturday's service was Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald M.Afr. on the theme: 'Excavating Hope: Faiths seeking the promises of God.' Drawing on his experience as an expert in Christian-Muslim relations - from 2002-2006 he headed the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue - he recalled the Gospel imperative in Matthew 25 to give practical help to the vulnerable, and of the Qur'an which criticises "those who are all show and forbid common kindnesses." Quoting Archbishop Romero, he suggested that at this time, when Ramadan and Lent fall together in the same period, we need "to listen to the voice of God, to organise a more just society once more according to God's heart." He felt people of all religions should pray, "for this gift of Hope, true hope which will generate justice-seeking solidarity, hope which may presage true peace." He felt Oscar Romero "has given us such a good example."

The Cardinal urged ongoing prayers for people in areas of conflict and mentioned Gaza, Israel and Palestine, Tigray in the North of Ethiopia, Sudan, Eastern Congo, Myanmar, Yemen and El Salvador. "We are called to believe in life as Archbishop Romero did," added the Cardinal, "and hoping against hope that conditions will revive, conditions all around the world where there is conflict." He noted that Pope Francis prays for places of conflict and their citizens every Sunday. Colette Joyce of Westminster Justice and Peace read a Palestinian poem 'God is a Gaza Refugee' by Ramzy Baroud, focusing on one area on the minds of many people present.

Revd Richard Carter of St Martin's had welcomed the congregation and others online with Romero's words: "Let us not tire of preaching love, it is the force that will overcome the world." And inspirational music about discipleship in today's world picked up on this, Singers were led by Chris Olding of Wheatsheaf Music on piano, and they sang stirring Justice and Peace hymns. These included Olding's own hymn, 'God you raise up true disciples' and 'As if you were not there' by John Bell and Graham Maule of the Iona Community.

Intercessions prayed for peace and justice in the places of war, poverty and injustice, "that leaders of government will be inspired by the vision of humanity which drove Oscar Romero.

They prayed that the pastors, theologians, and pastoral ministers of the Church, "may always reflect God's call to a preferential option for the poor." And for all people of faith, "that the martyrs' example will continue to inspire in us a lively commitment to growth in faith and solidarity with the poor."

At the end, Revd Carter thanked Martin Pendergast for putting the service together. And he prayed "that each one of us will continue to keep that spirit of Romero alive in our hearts, the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of compassion, and lobbying for greater justice in our world." The Blessing and Sending Forth included: "The Spirit of unity draws us all together to secure the liberation of the poor and destitute and the integrity of creation, here and across the world."


Watch a recording of the service:

Full programme for Romero Week at: Archbishop Romero Trust:

Cardinal Fitzgerald: 'Believe in life as Archbishop Romero did':


Mill Hill Missionaries

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