Stella Maris chaplains bring hope to exploited fishers

Peter Morgan, Stella Maris Regional Port Chaplain in the Bristol Channel
Source: Stella Maris
Fishers arriving in the United Kingdom to earn a living can sometimes find themselves in extremely vulnerable situations. Some are exploited, abused, not paid their agreed wage, or even denied wages altogether.
They trust that the contracts they sign are legitimate. But in some cases a ship's route and the work required of them can breach the conditions of their visa. Then they can be caught in extended limbo status in a legal system that they find baffling, waiting for their case to be heard. They can feel that they are treated like criminals.
With little contact with anyone from the outside world, many depend on the help and friendship provided by Stella Maris port chaplains and volunteer ship visitors.
Peter Morgan, Stella Maris Regional Port Chaplain in the Bristol Channel, got to know "Benjamin", (not his real name) who came to the UK with dreams of providing for his family. He had been promised a fair wage and honest work. Little did Benjamin know, he'd never make it home.
"Instead, this hard-working fisherman was mistreated in UK waters, suffering physical and racial abuse on board," says Peter. "Benjamin became trapped in an unforgiving system, his visa status uncertain, his wages unpaid and his voice unheard.
"We did all we could to help. But Benjamin died (due to ill health) while waiting for justice in the UK. What happened to him wasn't right. It was heart-breaking."
Peter says he's seen first-hand the problems fishers often endure. "I've seen it all… pressure from captains to work longer hours, books fiddled to falsify rest times, wages unpaid for months. Right now, I'm supporting fishers held in a detention centre through visits, referrals, and enabling channels of communication.
Steve Willows, Stella Maris Regional Port Chaplain in Northumberland and North and South Tyneside, has been supporting a group of fishers from Africa and South Asia since they were rescued a few years ago.
They were victims of modern-day slavery and were kept in a safehouse. However it took a long time for them to be recognised as victims while the Home Office made its decision.
Before their rescue, they lived in appalling conditions. "They were on their ship just over a month before they were rescued. They were having to drink water from a dirty tank, being given Personal Protective Equipment that was too small, and the machinery onboard was barely working, so the work was very dangerous," says Steve.
He visits three of the fishers once a month in the safehouse where they are staying. "In the beginning, I was taking them for days out and providing different activities, to take their mind off what they had been through.
"Over time, we helped them with contacting solicitors, finding temporary accommodation, and appealing Home Office decisions. Stella Maris also provided financial support so the fishers could send money to their families," adds Steve.
Stella Maris Senior Area Port Chaplain for Scotland and Northern Ireland Rev Joe O'Donnell has seen many fishers that work too many hours and don't get enough time to rest. "I am currently supporting some fishers who were working twenty-three hours a day and receiving one meal a day and being paid half the salary they were promised.
"It's hard listening to their individual stories and hearing about how sadly they have been let down by other human beings and how badly their mental health has suffered through their experiences," says Joe.
Fishers sailing off the UK's coast can be extremely vulnerable. Isolated at sea, with little connection to their families or the outside world, they may fear speaking out. Many endure their suffering in silence.
But they don't have to.
This Lent, your support can help give fishers a voice. You can help ensure that Stella Maris chaplains can continue their work with exploited fishers, rescuing them from unsafe conditions, fighting for their rights, and providing vital practical and emotional care. Visit: for more details about how to help.