South African reflection: The sin of empathy?

Source: Jesuit Institute South Africa
The toughness of Jesus
There is no doubt that Jesus was extremely tough and sometimes harsh. He stood up against powerful bullies, and he was not afraid to confront others whenever he encountered injustice and abuse. Jesus' toughness has led some Christians to justify their "toughness" towards others whom they dislike or disagree with, regardless of the context.
The "sin" of empathy
In some Christian circles, the emphasis on Jesus' toughness has resulted in an attack on the characteristic of empathy, with some even going so far as calling it a sin. One Christian Pastor even stated: "Empathy needs to be struck from the Christian vocabulary. Empathy is dangerous; it is toxic; it will align you with hell." These are strong words from someone claiming to be a Christian pastor.
The compassion of Jesus
The biblical words translated to empathy are interchangeable with the word compassion. To have empathy is to be compassionate. It is therefore strange that some Christian pastors can be so against a characteristic that Jesus displayed so regularly. Here are just a few examples:
- Matt 9:36 - When he saw the crowds, Jesus had compassion for them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
- Matt 20:34 - Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately, they regained their sight and followed him.
- Luke 7:13 - When Jesus saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, "Do not weep."
- Phil 1:8 - For God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the compassion of Christ Jesus.
Jesus wasn't nice
"Jesus wasn't nice. Yes, he was loving and inclusive - but in the way that gets you rejected by the religious. Yes, he was generous and truthful - but in the way that gets you persecuted by the powerful. Niceness was not his mission." Carlos Rodriguez
It is true that Jesus wasn't nice. He was willing to speak the truth, even when it brought backlash and persecution. He was tough, and he was brave. However, we would be wise to notice who Jesus was tough with. Jesus was always tough and brave towards those above him in the social hierarchy - those who had power and abused it, those who had wealth and hoarded it, and those who used their religion to exclude and ostracize others.
On the other hand, Jesus was always kind and compassionate to those who were marginalised members of society - those who had been abused and oppressed; those who were excluded because of their age, disease, social standing, gender or nationality; those who were seen as sinners and outcasts.
May this be a reminder of whom we, too, should show toughness towards and to whom we should be offering compassion. Furthermore, where we see prominent, powerful leaders emphasising the toughness of Jesus, let us ask whom they are demanding toughness towards. From what I have seen, it is largely towards refugees, foreigners, the poor and sexual minorities. Is this a true representation of Jesus?
Jesus was a tough person. We can learn from him and lean on him. Let us not be diverted in our quest for justice and mercy to come to this earth. Christianity offers the blessing of a brave and resilient spirit.
Jesus was also full of compassion. Compassion that he offers to you and me, and invites us to offer to others. A journey without compassion is not a Christian journey. A toughness without gentleness and love is not from God.
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