Iraq: several churches attacked by bombers
Several churches and Christian institutions in Iraq were hit by bombers on Sunday, Baghdadhope blog reported last night. Mgr Shleimun Warduni, Chaldean bishop of Baghdad, confirmed that some explosions had taken place in the morning, but the damage had not been too serious. He said: "We thank God there has been only one person injured, and it seems not severely." The injured person was believed to be guarding an Orthodox Church. In Mosul, carbombs attacked the Chaldean Church of Saint Paul; the Convent of Dominican Sisters; and an orphanage run by the Chaldean Sisters. In Baghdad, the following buildings were attacked: Rum Orthodox Church (where the guard was injured); Mar Ghorghis Chaldean Church in Ghadir and Saint Paul's Chaldean Church in Zafaraniya where, according to Mgr Warduni, the carbomb was discovered before its explosion and defused. Source:baghdadhope.blogspot