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Website Updates

Articles with important website updates, including recent changes to our website itself and related things such as our mailing list.

Support ICN

Jo Siedlecka

ICN was set up on a voluntary basis in May 2000 in response to Tertio Millennio Adveniente, which called for lay people to play a more active role in the work of the Church. Our aim is to offer daily reports of all subjects of interest to Catholics and the wider Christian community. Our audience has grown over the past 23 years and we now have hundreds of thousands of unique readers - with more jo... Read More

Support ICN

Jo Siedlecka

Independent Catholic News has grown considerably since we set up in 2000. In the first two years we were publishing news twice a week. For a long time now we have been publishing every day. ICN's readership has been expanding at the rate of nearly 10 per cent a year. In the last 12 months there were over a million unique readers. There were over 2.5 million hits. Thanks very much for all your supp... Read More

Support ICN

Jo Siedlecka

Independent Catholic News has grown over the past 23 years and we now have hundreds of thousands of unique readers. To any new readers we welcome you! We continue to provide daily news to a growing audience, but as the site has grown so have our costs. If you value our news coverage and can afford to, please consider supporting our journalism by visiting our donate page and setting up a monthly or... Read More

Advertise with ICN

Jo Siedlecka

Independent Catholic News has grown over the past 22 years and we now have hundreds of thousands of unique readers. Rather than display random ads using a platform such as Google Ads we've set up our own platform offering advertising space for Catholic groups/organisations. Our present patrons and supporters have reported very positive responses to their ads on ICN. To advertise with us you can be... Read More

Christmas greetings from ICN

Very best wishes for a Happy and Holy Christmas and a Blessed New Year, from Independent Catholic News. Many thanks to all our supporter and contributors through this past year. You've been wonderful. There will be short news updates every day through the holidays - but our next full length update will be on Monday, 3 January 2022. PS - Pope Francis' new Netflix series starts today. See: Christmas... Read More

Support ICN

Since Independent Catholic News was set up in 2000, we've aimed to provide speedy and accurate news coverage of all subjects of interest to Catholics and the wider Christian community. We've managed to keep ICN going through the Covid-19 pandemic, providing daily news to a growing audience. If you're one of those new readers we welcome you! As the site has grown, so have our costs. If you value ou... Read More

Support ICN

Editor Jo Siedlecka

Since Independent Catholic News was set up back in 2000, we've aimed to provide speedy and accurate news coverage of all subjects of interest to Catholics and the wider Christian community. As our audience increases, so do our costs. If you value our news coverage - please consider supporting our journalism by becoming a donor (if you aren't already!). You can make a one-off donation, a monthly do... Read More

Note from Editor: Navigation and layout changes

Today we've made some changes to make it easier to find content on ICN. (Don't worry - its all very straightforward!) We've moved some of the links at the top of the website under 'Other Pages', and added new links for 'News', 'Opinions & Reflections' and 'Arts and Culture'. And we've made layout changes. The left sidebar now only displays article categories. Links to our Newsletter and Saint ... Read More

Improved ICN support for US & Canada

Back in April 2017, we redesigned the ICN website to better support increasing usage of smart phones and tablets, where 60% of our audience now view our website from a mobile device (up from 45% back in April 2017). Now moving into 2019 we've been looking into other demographics, and one that stood out was that although ICN is based in the UK, our users come from all over the world, so we've recen... Read More

Updates to our Mailing List

It's been just over a month now since we redesigned ICN, and we've been getting lots of feedback that users are enjoying the new look and faster loading times. However there are two small issues that have been mentioned a few times relating to our mailing list. The first is that many readers who were subscribed to the mailing list have reported not receiving daily emails since the redesign in mid-... Read More

New look for ICN

ICN was set up back in 2000, and now although our audience has increased to millions of unique viewers every year - the design of ICN hasn't really changed. In the past couple of years in particular our audience has risen to almost 45% from mobile devices like iPhones and iPads, which the site is not currently designed for. Text is very small & navigating it is a very slow process. As of tomor... Read More

ICN - 16th birthday today

Jo Siedlecka with Jean Vanier when he was awarded the 2015 Templeton Prize

Dear Readers Hard to believe but Independent Catholic News is 16 today! Many thanks to everyone who has helped on this project and given us so much encouragement and support. The technology has certainly developed since the site was launched on 4 May 2000. At that time ICN was the only on-line Catholic news service in the UK and published just two updates a week. Now news is posted up every day r... Read More


Very best wishes for a Happy and Holy Easter from Independent Catholic News. We are taking a break from today. Some news, the Saints and Listings will continue to be published on the site. The next full update will be on Thursday, 9 April. Read More

Christmas Greetings from ICN

Very best wishes for a Happy and Holy Christmas and a Blessed New Year, from Independent Catholic News. The next full update and mailing, will be on 2 January 2014. Read More

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