St Wulsin of Sherborne

Abbot and bishop. Born in London towards the end of the first millennium, St Wulsin was made the first abbot of Westminster Abbey by St Dunstan, after it was restored around 980. In 992 he was also made bishop of Sherborne in Dorset. He is said to have rebuilt the church there and introduced a Benedictine chapter.
A few letters from him survive. One is from the scholar Aelfric, then Abbot of Cerne, introducing a group of canons for the instruction of priests. William of Malmesbury records that he warned his monks that having a bishop as their abbot could cause difficulties.
Wulsin's staff was kept at Sherborne. He was noted for his simplicity of life. He died on this day in 1002, and was buried at Sherbourne. His feast was kept at Sherborne, Westminster, Abbotsbury and Worcester.
St Wulsin is mentioned in the beautiful Sherborne Missal, which was recently acquired by the British Library. See: